
Comments about 5149083506

  • #07445 | 2019-06-02 13:30:45

    Twice in a couple of hours

  • #07445 | 2019-06-02 13:30:45

    Twice in a couple of hours

  • #58898 | 2019-06-06 15:08:18

    Several times the last few days

  • #54887 | 2019-06-27 10:01:27

    Every &*&% day this June!!

  • #29560 | 2019-09-18 10:59:20

    They want to talk to the person in charge of finance. Really weird conversation. Scam Il demandait a parler à la personne en charge des finances... et elle a raccroché lorsque j'ai cessé de parler.

  • #65089 | 2020-01-11 09:51:29

    Téléphone fixe in Montréal