
Comments about 7143641249

  • #09924 | 2019-09-12 10:38:44

    A lady keeps calling me every single day saying she works for a law firm and says im gona be served for fraud. She has called my family members and even leaves them my last 4 digit social security number on their voicemails. Well i called back one day turns out its for a jc penny credit card i owe since 2008, i told her to stop calling me and send a letter. She said she can call all day and then i hunged up on her and she called back again!

  • #91194 | 2019-09-06 10:33:14

    Scan call saying they are going to begin their “process” because of failed attempts on my behalf—not returning their scuzzy calls— and they are going to attack my property and SSN. Get a fucking life