
Comments about 8883559687

  • #77247 | 2020-02-10 15:27:27

    my name is Michael and I'm contacting you to discuss a legal matter that's come across my desk include the filing a lawsuit in court. To discuss these actions contact me immediately directly at 888-355-9687. Reference your phone number can case 0000001. This a time sensitive matter and I will proceed with your participation. Hey Mr MiKe-> For all practical purposes, improper threats of litigation are also viewed as illegal according to the guidelines and laws of the FDCPA. Section [15 USC 1692e] § 807(5) of the FDCPA, any collection agency (or any collection attorney) is strictly forbidden from threatening you with legal actions. Debt collectors who do not identify themselves!! Attorney general wants to know who number is (888) 355-9687. Post your company name, address and correct land number so you can sued.

  • #47168 | 2020-02-10 07:06:08

    This is an urgent matter intended for Jack Frost. My name is Michelle Hunt and I'm contacting you to discuss a legal matter that's come across my desk include the filing a lawsuit in court. To discuss these actions contact me immediately directly at 888-355-9687. Reference your phone number can case 0000001. This a time sensitive matter and I will proceed with your participation. Hey Ms. Michelle -> For all practical purposes, improper threats of litigation are also viewed as illegal according to the guidelines and laws of the FDCPA. Section [15 USC 1692e] § 807(5) of the FDCPA, any collection agency (or any collection attorney) is strictly forbidden from threatening you with legal actions.