
Comments about 8883740850

  • #17020 | 2020-01-23 14:03:40

    SCAM. Yesterday I foolishly answered a call that came up as unknown caller. Got a hurried message about legal documents needing my signature, etc. Today (because I was dumb enough to answer the call yesterday), same female voice ("Danielle Roberts") left voice mail informing me that someone was en route to my house, bla bla bla and I needed to be there with state issued ID. It's all a ruse to get you to call the number left in the message (888-374-0850). I saw through it all after the call yesterday, but I wonder how many more calls I'll get now since there's no way apparently to block unknown callers on my iPhone (a 7). Eat s***, you bottom dwellers.

  • #86947 | 2020-01-17 10:49:07

    8883740850 they left a message saying they had legal documents to serve me with and that I needed to be at my address and provide ID.