
Comments about 9082021899

  • #57223 | 2019-11-21 09:27:03

    This women is a monster! Be careful! She will pretend to be all nice putting on the perfect face. Only so she can play victim. She’s the reason her own mother is dead because she refused to call the Russian police to do a call check on her. She’s refused to sign a paper which would of gave her, her mother and daughter their property they own to the Russian government instead. Eleonora Y. tosato . She abandoned her daughter for a meal ticket. Eleonora Tosato is a gold digger, goes from man to man. She popped out a second kid for another meal ticket. She has to take care of this one and not abuse him like she did with her daughter otherwise stefano tosato will divorce her. She didn’t care that her own mother died and yelled at her daughter for grieving someone who was nothing but nice to her and never drank alcohol. Eleonora Y tosato is going to give you a sob story how her mother was an alcoholic and abused her. It is completely false. I knew her mother very well and mrs Eleonora was the only abusive to her mother and her daughter. Also email when she gets a divorce is moscowgirl75 when she gets a divorce she will be looking for another meal ticket. She met stefano Tosato on match . And has been gold digging him since. The love of her daughters life just died and did Ella invite her daughter to thanksgiving or did she neglect her and be a Deadbeat mother ? From my investigations she’s a complete deadbeat mother to her Oldest. Heartless. This is the women who is glad her mother is dead and got rid of everyone in her life who knew the real her. You can’t hide forever. Men beware. Women who befriend her, beware. Don’t listen to any sob story of hers. She had her oldest daughter by prostituting herself to a man twice her age leaving her dayghter without a father she ever met and a mother who trIes because she got off on bullying, abusing her daughter. Refused to change her daughters name when they got citizenship because she loved the sound of her daughter coming home and crying everyday from being bullied . Eleonora Y Self is a bad person

  • #58672 | 2019-11-21 09:51:12

    She used me. I helped her pay expenses, the pussy was trash. Real pancake ass and the ugliest boobs (more just like a nipple there is no boob) I ever had. Well I helped her cuz she was a single mom with an amazing daughter. Eleonora Self Tosato scammed me. She used me. I feel bad for her oldest daughter. What a sham this women is. Do not ever feel sorry for her fake sob stories. She is not a good women but you will be taking by surprise, she will scam you and screw you over before you even know it and then she will tell everyone how you are a monster and she is the victim . This women needs help. Steer clear if you meet her. Listen to the warning signs. Don’t listen to her stories on how everyone in her life did her wrong and she did no wrong. She is the villain not the victim but she lives the pity and sympathy you all give her.