

whose phone number?
United States
New York
Bandwidth.com Clec, Llc - Ny
Area code:
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Time of last search:
2024-04-15 09:16:39
+1 716-317-9949
International format, sometimes is written as +1-716-317-9949 or just +17163179949
(716) 317-9949
Domestic format, sometimes is written as 716-317-9949 or just 7163179949

You received a call from 716-317-9949 or 7163179949? Maybe they tried to scam, cheat or bothered you with unnecessary services or even attacked you with constant calls? Share it with everyone!


Comments (8)

  • #50054 | 2021-03-29 13:34:14

    as everyone else has pointed out, this number is a scammer trying to steal your information.

  • #50014 | 2021-03-29 13:33:34

    scam artist

  • #49813 | 2021-03-29 13:30:13

    man claims to be "looking for paperwork that was sent to my address" says I must send it back, or face legal action from an unknown source. spam. scam. slam. dummy .

  • #49697 | 2021-03-29 13:28:17

    man on the other end of the phone was trying to scare me into giving him info by stating my name, and address. This is public information, so this guy is really not bright, or good at what he does. he said I am worse off than him, because I told him he is scamming people. he of course responded with the classic "prove it" and basically changed his mind about everything he said in his initial voice-mail to me. wouldn't state who he was calling for, just stated I would see soon. simple, childish scare tactic from a terrible scammer based out of Amherst NY.

  • #49499 | 2021-03-29 13:24:59

    100% a scam caller. This morning, someone i know received a call looking for me. stating that if I didn't return the paperwork which was sent to me, id face legal action and possibly be arrested. Didn't say what it was about, who they were, who they worked for. Obviously already a scam, but I decide to call from one of my voIP numbers. and give the guy a taste of his own medicine. 100% a scam. do not give them any information.

  • #33006 | 2021-03-29 08:50:06

    Left a voicemail with my upstairs neighbor’s name and our shared address. I called back, and he was offended when I pointed out my opinion that this might be a scam because he didn’t even know the correct number. He stated that I shouldn’t make such accusatory accusations.

  • #93930 | 2021-03-11 12:18:50

    They left a voicemail, with my name and address, about some pending paperwork and needed to call back or they’ll take legal action. Anyone actually answered or call back?

  • #00405 | 2021-03-09 06:33:25

    Wants me to call about paperwork they sent me or they’ll take legal action

Searched (716) numbers in last hours.

Most active numbers comments

  • 7162293974 | 2019-07-18 04:40:32

    Man called, said he was from "someplace," (I don't even remember) and wanted to know if I could hear him okay. I said, "Please don't call here again."

  • 7162227129 | 2020-07-20 10:01:31

    Scam artist

  • 7169880758 | 2020-05-05 12:15:21

    He is scam, he pretended to be a doctor and used a photo of a nurse named Matthew

  • 7166328780 | 2019-05-20 08:12:57

    (716) 632-8780: this is an invalid number, and a scam!

  • 7164648373 | 2019-02-20 08:10:27

    Stripper named "coco" from scores buffalo airport looking for money. will promise to pay you back but never will

  • 7163222727 | 2019-09-09 07:59:22

    UNSAFE! Calls and never leaves a message. Verified they are a ROBOCALLER!!!

  • 7163280784 | 2019-12-02 16:54:10

    They’re harassing to get you to verify your personal information. Be careful it’s a scam. If this was legal the original creditors would have contacted you personally.

  • 7164660102 | 2019-12-19 14:32:47

    (716) 466-0201 this call is a scam, see text of script below:' This call is from the Department of Social Security Administration the reason you have received this phone call from our department is to inform you that there is a legal enforcement action filed on your social security number for fraudulent activities so when you get this message kindly press one before we begin with the legal proceedings I repeat press one to speak with our officers directly thank you and have a nice day.

  • 7167895330 | 2019-12-27 10:02:36

    Did not answer; no message, name was that of an actor, Jamie Dorman. I am sure he was not calling me, nor does he live in the area code. Obvious scam/phishing

  • 7167700630 | 2020-01-30 11:37:41

    Just another company called DT Management that bought a false past due mistake for pennies trying to scare me into paying it. Too bad I have documentation that it was paid!

  • 7169093461 | 2021-01-10 23:24:23

    i never been on this website and if you guys keep get phone called from this please dont aws it he trying to hooked you up with you try and get your number to hooked up with u im his girlfriend and i have special needs and down syndrome and he 33 year old and his name is jonathan maslanka please dont aws his phone called anymore thank u

  • 7164315608 | 2022-03-31 12:13:37

    Sean with ARS?

  • 7163622378 | 2021-01-30 10:45:10

    Received a call from 716-362-2378 left a voicemail that the call was intended for myself or my husband and we needed to call her back ASAP but didn’t say where she was calling from or give her name!

  • 7167801953 | 2021-01-19 12:59:26

    This is 5 times today!! Is there no way to put a stop to this??

  • 7163984021 | 2020-03-09 10:18:00

    Identifies on voice mail as office of Donna Benton