

whose phone number?
United States
New Cingular Wireless Pcs, Llc - Il
Area code:
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Time of last search:
2024-05-08 10:35:52
+1 913-634-9955
International format, sometimes is written as +1-913-634-9955 or just +19136349955
(913) 634-9955
Domestic format, sometimes is written as 913-634-9955 or just 9136349955

You received a call from 913-634-9955 or 9136349955? Maybe they tried to scam, cheat or bothered you with unnecessary services or even attacked you with constant calls? Share it with everyone!


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Searched (913) numbers in last hours.

Most active numbers comments

  • 9132515356 | 2021-03-26 11:34:40

    Sara kraai

  • 9135838477 | 2019-03-09 12:05:53

    Bastard he called me and tried to transfer money

  • 9133184100 | 2019-08-09 04:58:49

    Some kind of homeowner associate robocall twit.

  • 9133562874 | 2020-09-02 13:14:41

    Called impersonating an officer. Tried to get information from me. This is a total scam.

  • 9135780209 | 2020-08-06 03:58:40

    Left me a text message that my Walgreens order was in. I do not get my prescriptions from Walgreens. Plus this location is from Kansas and I live in Florida.

  • 9133478592 | 2020-06-18 16:55:04


  • 9133477453 | 2020-04-07 10:36:41

    Won't stop calling!! I answer, hear an echo of myself and nothing else.

  • 9135687969 | 2020-04-06 16:18:10

    MLM scammer

  • 9139339035 | 2020-03-06 10:46:41

    This number belongs to Eduardo Mendoza or one of his friends. He got a ho for a girlfriend and wants to fight/ kill tree he dudes banging this broad. Hello, dump the woman.

  • 9132834025 | 2019-12-27 23:29:41

    Man soll den Agent kontaktieren wegen hoher Gewinnsumme.

  • 9135834373 | 2019-10-25 10:03:30

    Scammer called and asked for a person by name and when I said who is this? they hung up.

  • 9133362219 | 2019-10-16 14:01:23

    3362219 - "Mr. Tough Guy" sounding dude called Pop. He tried hard to get Pop to say the word "yes". I have read about the scam where you say that word and they just play back the recording in response to whatever question they want to ask later and you just agreed to a huge charge on your credit card or whatever. I was telling Pop to not say the word. The guy got more and more grumpy about it then Pop hung up on him.

  • 9133163751 | 2017-07-19 23:56:18


  • 9132569343 | 2019-07-29 16:04:07


  • 9133562694 | 2019-07-09 10:20:58

    Call regarding Social Security litigation was a canned call, no human interaction. When redial number, it says this is not a working number. IF SS wanted to make contact , they would send official snail mail