

whose phone number?
United States
Integra Telecom Of Oregon, Inc. - Or
Area code:
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Time of last search:
2024-04-12 06:07:55
+1 971-236-0637
International format, sometimes is written as +1-971-236-0637 or just +19712360637
(971) 236-0637
Domestic format, sometimes is written as 971-236-0637 or just 9712360637

You received a call from 971-236-0637 or 9712360637? Maybe they tried to scam, cheat or bothered you with unnecessary services or even attacked you with constant calls? Share it with everyone!


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Searched (971) numbers in last hours.

Most active numbers comments

  • 9712360564 | 2019-03-27 08:36:37

    This number calls constantly, never leaves a voice message, cannot find name to go with the number. All signs of a SCAM. Caller has been blocked. I have deemed this number to be unsafe based on their behavior.

  • 9713860427 | 2018-01-25 11:43:29

    Cheating whore. This woman Cheri Larsen is constantly calling. She is several men's mistress. She has no morals whatsoever. She lives in Lebanon Oregon on Ford Mill Rd.

  • 9712054019 | 2019-07-04 05:41:00

    Text about a belly fat lost, I never apply nor subscribe to any ads to be receive these text.

  • 9719401814 | 2019-07-17 08:10:05

    this number 9719491814 and 1817 is a shady debt collector that like all debt collectors cant do anything

  • 9712250909 | 2019-09-12 19:15:57

    guy is threatening to rape my girlfriend and wont stop texting me.

  • 9712535033 | 2021-07-02 08:37:10

    No ID. No Message.

  • 9712298034 | 2020-09-08 18:20:06

    9712298034 calls about a warranty for a car I no longer have. Once I started asking questions, she hung up. I called back and claimed to put me on a do not call list.

  • 9714448268 | 2020-01-23 21:49:07

    This # called my phone 19 times in 3 minutes. I answered several times and no one was there. I finally blocked it

  • 9713151174 | 2020-01-16 22:48:52

    Anyone know anyone from this number?

  • 9713016349 | 2019-12-13 10:52:42

    Said they had sent me a letter that I had not responded to. They knew my mailing address & last four of my ss. They said they needed to verify it to give me any further info on an “important business matter”. I said if it wasn’t important enough for me to respond to the letter, I obviously don’t care. They warned that I should care, then I hung up.

  • 9719401011 | 2019-11-25 08:28:18

    Asset Solutions - Debt Collector. Won't leave a message and call several times a day even though I have informed them they have the wrong number.

  • 9713387996 | 2019-11-14 12:39:48

    The first call came into me today was a text message scam this number has been used in a number of scams, this number started with the malware text blocked them then they started calling from this number 503-905-6890, blocked that number and they called with this number 971 338 7996, these people are buying you information from the dark web and harassing you, Equifax had a breach and the dark web scammers are takin advantage of the breach by contacting the consumers with fraudulent intent and scam, they should not be allowed to spoof and call you via computer with another persons phone number to harass people with, How \can America be safe if they can't get the phone harassment shut down. People will not be able to respond to a real life disaster, because the people in India want to scam and beat people out of there money, well they should be ashamed, to try and scam people how foolish and sad, is that all you have to do all day long is scam people because they are too stupid to get a job and work for what they need i guess it is easier to harass people with there own phone number and personal info, get real The gig is up nobody is falling for any scams and all of these different phone numbers calling my number is personal so I will not pick up, I do know them or I will not engage in anything with my personal phone , they should not even try, if it wasn't given to you by myself then you are dead fish in water.

  • 9713396743 | 2019-10-15 04:35:23

    Debt collection liars phishing for info

  • 9713860530 | 2017-11-08 07:06:07

    Keeps calling wont say anything .. very annoying..

  • 9719401841 | 2019-06-29 06:48:26

    This is one of those scam collection agents that tries using a few easily mastered tricks with by leaving you waiting on hold in a particular position

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