

whose phone number?
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+1 888-384-2449
International format, sometimes is written as +1-888-384-2449 or just +18883842449
(888) 384-2449
Domestic format, sometimes is written as 888-384-2449 or just 8883842449

You received a call from 888-384-2449 or 8883842449? Maybe they tried to scam, cheat or bothered you with unnecessary services or even attacked you with constant calls? Share it with everyone!


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Searched (888) numbers in last hours.

Most active numbers comments

  • 8883848935 | 2017-11-09 18:12:37

    First you receive a private call. The caller states she is a currier and will be at your house the next day with court ordered documents. When you press her for info she gives you a number to call and says give them this reference number. I will hold your papers untill the agency tells me when a good time to deliver. When you call the 888 number. The greeting is just a woman saying switchboard how may I direct your call? No business name, nothing. I gave the reference number and after a brief hold a man answers. He immediately starts. They will have the last 4 of your social, an address you lived at at some point and your birthday. He says he represents a company that you owe money to and they are prepared to take you to court. UNLESS you send proof that you don't owe , and you have untill the end of the day. The account will most likely be extremely old and they know you may not have the proof. So you pay or go to court. I was told to pay over 5000 for a credit card that had been charged off over 8 years ago. I infact had one of these cards but it was paid off 15 years ago. I spoke to fraud dept, told them this crazy story, was informed that not a single card was tied to me since I closed my account. Oh and the account info they give you is bogus. I then called back to tell my case worker what I had learned. He was conveniently out to lunch. I explained to her what I had learned. Gave her the fraud detectives info so they could call them for my proof. I said I know this is a scam and with colorful language told her if they ever contact me again I will be reporting them. She got quite upset said it's not a scam that they don't make this stuff up. When I said then why does the company you claim I owe, have absolutely nothing on me since 2003? She said there is no need to yell and hung up. Be careful with these people!!

  • 8883842737 | 2021-05-10 14:32:07

    They called my daughter and son with the same scam. That they have a case against me and that it is a time sensitive matter. They provide a case number and the 1888-384.2737 number to call back. Why can anybody go after these companies and arrest them all.

  • 8882800098 | 2020-08-10 08:54:40

    This is a scam! Tried to charge my bank account. Thank God I check my account daily and was able to alert my bank so the charge could be canceled.

  • 8885582612 | 2017-11-06 10:41:49

    says my computer has been locked

  • 8882545798 | 2017-11-12 14:02:09

    Their was a pop up on my IPhone and said that I was in danger of a virus. The pop up wouldn’t allow me to do anything on Safari. Their number also popped up and said to call them. I called and they acted as if they were “Apple Customer Care”. They asked me to buy a $50 ITunes card and they would send me a link for a virus removal software, type the pin in and the virus would be removed in about 5 mins. They ended the call by giving me a case reference number to call back when I had purchased a card. I quickly did an Apple search to see if IPhones could get viruses and found that they couldn’t. This number was a scam. I closed Safari, refreshed the app, went back to safari and quickly closed the open webpages (takes several tries; repeat as necessary). My phone now works completely fine.

  • 8883996048 | 2018-01-25 05:43:51

    These jerks are falsely claiming to be contacting you about a court case against you. There is no court case. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR INFORMATION. This is all a scam. Check with your family members, they may have contacted them too trying to get information about you (as they did with me).

  • 8888667221 | 2018-02-26 11:37:05

    Called and said they would no longer cover my computer, give them info to send the refund. Not. Don't have a contract on my computer. SCAM

  • 8884650690 | 2019-06-08 08:21:17

    Pretends to be Netflux billing department.

  • 8882029155 | 2019-03-09 14:30:24

    Don't know who this might be but message talks about bank drafts gives no name of bank.

  • 8883140329 | 2017-12-27 06:31:56

    This number was given as the number to call as part of a DirecTV/Amazon Gift Card Scam 12/272017.

  • 8886917010 | 2017-12-20 08:47:23

    Scammers trying to get money for fake loans

  • 8886429034 | 2019-09-25 11:03:55

    This site is not free.

  • 8883336652 | 2017-12-28 12:57:20

    Called my phone twice and didn’t leave a message, put on block list.

  • 8883067111 | 2018-01-22 06:51:33

    The company with this number are thieves that claim to be AT&T but they are not.

  • 8882562904 | 2017-12-21 11:36:48

    did not answer and they left no message on my answering machine Same number calls me repeatedly ID as TOLL FREE CALL

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